#!/bin/bash # # ____ _ _ _ ____ _ # | __ ) (_) | |_ ___ ___ (_) _ __ / ___| __ _ ___ | |__ # | _ \ | | | __| / __| / _ \ | | | '_ \ | | / _` | / __| | '_ \ # | |_) | | | | |_ | (__ | (_) | | | | | | | | |___ | (_| | \__ \ | | | | # |____/ |_| \__| \___| \___/ |_| |_| |_| \____| \__,_| |___/ |_| |_| # # ___ _ _ # |_ _| _ __ __| | ___ _ __ ___ _ __ __| | ___ _ __ ___ ___ # | | | '_ \ / _` | / _ \ | '_ \ / _ \ | '_ \ / _` | / _ \ | '_ \ / __| / _ \ # | | | | | | | (_| | | __/ | |_) | | __/ | | | | | (_| | | __/ | | | | | (__ | __/ # |___| |_| |_| \__,_| \___| | .__/ \___| |_| |_| \__,_| \___| |_| |_| \___| \___| # |_| # ____ _ _ # | __ ) | | ___ ___ | | __ # | _ \ | | / _ \ / __| | |/ / # | |_) | | | | (_) | | (__ | < # |____/ |_| \___/ \___| |_|\_\ # # The revolution will not be centralized! # # Bitcoin is the title of a whitepaper, name of the invention! # Bitcoin cannot be uninvented, it will live on in this or that blockchain. # The Bitcoin experiment became multi-threaded in 2017. # Evolution of sound money is subject to free market forces. # Humanity never settled on "the one" anything. # Others will grow their own network effect. # Others will age and benefit from the Lindy effect. # Evolve and compete, or become irrelevant. # # What will it be, anon? # # - Bitcoin Core: a hub-to-hub electronic settlement system # - Bitcoin Cash: a peer-to-peer electronic cash system # - Bitcoin SV: a datacenter-to-datacenter electronic storage system # - Bitcoin Ord: a collector-to-collector electronic art system # # Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a code and blockchain fork of the first Bitcoin blockchain. # Blocks 0 to 478558 are exactly the same on both blockchains. # Block 478559 is the first block that differs. # Bitcoin Cash block 478559 has a size of 1,915,175 bytes. # It is here inscribed and labeled "Bitcoin Cash Independence Block". # # Until now, Bitcoin Cash has had 5.5 years of independence. # During those years it did the following upgrades to consensus specification: # # - **2017** Malleability fixes # - [Mandatory use of SCRIPT_VERIFY_STRICTENC](https://documentation.cash/protocol/forks/bch-uahf#req-6-4-mandatory-use-of-script_verify_strictenc) # - [Enforcement of LOW_S signatures and NULLFAIL (BIP-0146)](https://documentation.cash/protocol/forks/hf-20171113#summary) # - **2018** # - [OP_CAT, OP_SPLIT, OP_AND, OP_OR, OP_XOR, OP_DIV, OP_MOD, OP_BIN2NUM, OP_NUM2BIN](https://documentation.cash/protocol/forks/may-2018-reenabled-opcodes) # - [OP_CHECKDATASIG, OP_CHECKDATASIGVERIFY, and more malleabiliy fixes ("push only" and "clean stack" rules)](https://documentation.cash/protocol/forks/hf-20181115#summary). This made the precedent of allowing Script to "look" at other inputs & outputs in the same transaction, which enabled first covenants. # - **2019** # - [Schnorr signatures](https://documentation.cash/protocol/forks/hf-20190515#summary) # - [Schnorr multisig, and more malleability fixes (minimal push and minimal number encoding)](https://documentation.cash/protocol/forks/hf-20191115#summary) # - **2020** # - [OP_REVERSEBYTES](https://documentation.cash/protocol/forks/hf-20200515#op_reversebytes) # - **2021** # - [Allow multiple OP_RETURNs](https://documentation.cash/protocol/forks/chips/2021-05-multiple-op-returns-for-bitcoin-cash) # - **2022** # - [SriptVM 64-byte integer support, enabled OP_MUL](https://documentation.cash/protocol/forks/chips/2022-05-bigger-script-integers#summary) # - [Native introspection opcodes](https://documentation.cash/protocol/forks/chips/2022-05-native-introspection-opcodes): OP_INPUTINDEX, OP_ACTIVEBYTECODE, OP_TXVERSION, OP_TXINPUTCOUNT, OP_TXOUTPUTCOUNT, OP_TXLOCKTIME, OP_UTXOVALUE, OP_UTXOBYTECODE, OP_OUTPOINTTXHASH, OP_OUTPOINTINDEX, OP_INPUTBYTECODE, OP_INPUTSEQUENCENUMBER, OP_OUTPUTVALUE, OP_OUTPUTBYTECODE # - **2023 (These upgrades will activate on MTP 1684152000 - May 15, 2023 12:00:00 UTC)** # - [CashTokens](https://github.com/bitjson/cashtokens) - native consensus-enforced UTXO token primitives and ScriptVM opcodes (OP_UTXOTOKENCATEGORY, OP_UTXOTOKENCOMMITMENT, OP_UTXOTOKENAMOUNT, OP_OUTPUTTOKENCATEGORY, OP_OUTPUTTOKENCOMMITMENT, OP_OUTPUTTOKENAMOUNT) to integrate them with contracts # - [P2SH32](https://gitlab.com/0353F40E/p2sh32/-/blob/main/CHIP-2022-05_Pay-to-Script-Hash-32_(P2SH32)_for_Bitcoin_Cash.md) - address the hash collision problem by enabling a 32-byte BIP-0016 output pattern # # With these L1 building blocks enabled, scalable UTXO DeFi on L1 Bitcoin-tech is becoming a reality! # # It's right there in the title: a peer-to-peer electronic **cash system**. # Not just cash, a cash system. Cash is always exchanged for something: a good, a service, a promise. # With native tokens, that something can be exchanged as trustlessly, uncensorably, securely, and cheaply as the cash! # # >I see Bitcoin as a foundation and first step if you want to implement # >programmable P2P social currencies like Marc's ideas and others # >discussed here. First you need normal, basic P2P currency working. # >Once that is established and proven out, dynamic smart money is an easy # >next step. # # -- [Satoshi Nakamoto](https://www.bitcoin.com/satoshi-archive/emails/p2p-research/3/#selection-25.6-25.37) # # How can it scale? # # - Unlike EVM, Bitcoin-tech UTXO blockchain model allows easy parallelization of transaction validation. # - A single GPU can validate 60M signatures per second. # - Pruned nodes don't need the entire history to stay in sync. # - With consensus-enforced UTXO commitments, history won't be needed for initial blockchain download, either. # - Currently 100MBit/s connection is widely accessible. That could sustain roughly 2000 TPS. At the same time, 10G Internet is coming. # - Layer 2s possble. CashTokens smart contract primitives enable Drivechain-like sidechains, where a pool of mainchain BCH would be staked to secure the sidechain. # # Run me as Bash script to: # # 1. Save the above text as markdown into `independence.md` file. # 2. Decode the start of Bitcoin Cash independence block and append its hash, header, and coinbase transaction to `independence.md`. # 3. Download other parts and assemble the Bitcoin Cash independence block as `independence.bin` file. # # Usage: ./this-file head -n 90 $0 | tail -n 89 | sed -e 's/^#\ //g' > independence.md echo '```' >> independence.md tail -n +117 $0 | grep -v -e '-.' | base64 --decode | dd bs=1 count=80 status=none | sha256sum | xxd -r -p | sha256sum | cut -b1-64 | tac -rs '..' >> independence.md; echo >> independence.md; echo >> independence.md tail -n +117 $0 | grep -v -e '-.' | base64 --decode | dd bs=1 count=232 status=none | xxd >> independence.md echo '```' >> independence.md cat \ <(curl -s https://ordinals.com/preview/a31b8e3e279a6e28ef49fa4dca54f820abf266223976b778833e8c47991ad403i0 | sed -n '/--BEGIN/,/--END/p' | grep -v -e '-B' | base64 --decode 2>/dev/null) \ <(curl -s https://ordinals.com/preview/9bb82d96abbef61854b3524f167371cc65d0bb9a089f716e6c1981014269dc02i0 | sed -n '/--BEGIN/,/--END/p' | grep -v -e '-B' | base64 --decode 2>/dev/null) \ <(curl -s https://ordinals.com/preview/97e4fbe87d50eb3852b7814d470633926f735edf556a761c46b584e9617868d0i0 | sed -n '/--BEGIN/,/--END/p' | grep -v -e '-B' | base64 --decode 2>/dev/null) \ <(curl -s https://ordinals.com/preview/8ae4f4b93d8e3bb4b53b8dd437d8d360930f0e9733f437d67d465daf2a57fdabi0 | sed -n '/--BEGIN/,/--END/p' | grep -v -e '-B' | base64 --decode 2>/dev/null) \ <(curl -s https://ordinals.com/preview/2fd2b489f17e48907c76577300945d7a17f284421af2b4b198ed4fc9a8a3aa32i0 | sed -n '/--BEGIN/,/--END/p' | grep -v -e '-B' | base64 --decode 2>/dev/null) \ <(curl -s https://ordinals.com/preview/a2ec351bf2c050e5d6b6a543940437d7e16c5568ba0a6052c051d1cc996b1e63i0 | sed -n '/--BEGIN/,/--END/p' | grep -v -e '-B' | base64 --decode 2>/dev/null) \ <(curl -s https://ordinals.com/preview/8f40f7bed3d20bd7f8c226646be130beda9f19f52fe4c025b4f24e47553dfe04i0 | sed -n '/--BEGIN/,/--END/p' | grep -v -e '-B' | base64 --decode 2>/dev/null) \ > independence.bin sha256sum -c <(echo 'cdcd863681ef0f8855b6738a83fb1ab6486439b4cec35322788fb1373d58b1eb independence.md') sha256sum -c <(echo '453b68a7975938525b8eb02807740f8334534dae1344146862cc197aa0d99bab independence.bin') exit -----BEGIN BITCOIN CASH INDEPENDENCE BLOCK HEADER AND COINBASE----- AAAAIEMtNQdB+/KPLhSG6r4sThQ7/iJBr2UYAQAAAAAAAAAAq6pL2KSMHGvAjuObZgZeXpSEMEyr i1bV7tPkCxrJlsiZxIBZNUcBGCLKSuj9SRsBAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA/////0ADX00HKi9WaWFCVEMvV2VsY29tZSB0byB0aGUgd29ybGQsIFNodXlhIFlhbmch LxBxAcsAlbnUM+GZ2M0wYwAA/////wFmq9BVAAAAABl2qRRTb/qZJJFQjcoDVOUvMqOnpnmlOois AAAAAA== -----END BITCOIN CASH INDEPENDENCE BLOCK HEADER AND COINBASE-----